
release ur mind... hanya sekadar lawak........ "HAnya Mengingati Allah hati menjadi tenang" :)

*Lawak sakit jiwa***
> *Disebuah hospital sakit jiwa, ada seorang pesakit mental dikurung didalam sebuah bilik.
> Kerjanya tiap tiap hari menyanyi, pagi petang siang malam dia menyanyi, tak penat-penat, kalau
> dah betul betul penat, barulah dia tidur.

> Lagu yang paling dia suka lagu 60-an, semua lagu dia tahu, dari jefridin, a halim, L ramle. Tapi
> yang peliknya, dia suka nyanyi sambil telentang, agak-agak lepas sejam, dia nyanyi sambil
> meniarap, selepas sejam telentang pulak, begitulah cara dia nyanyi, kejap telentang kejap
> meniarap, sampailah malam. *
> *Si Warder penjaga hospital ni rasa heran jugak tapi malas nak tanya, tapi satu hari dia tanya
> jugak ' Tanya sikit bang, kenapa kalau nyanyi, sekejap telentang, sekejap meniarap' Jawap
> pesakit mental tu ' Kalau telentang tu side A, meniarap tu side B la bodoh'*


Teacher: Ah Kau, if your father has $10 and you ask him for $6, how
> much would your father still have?
> Ah Kau: $10.
> Teacher: You don't know Maths.
> Ah Kau: You don't know my father la!
> Mother: David, come here.
> David: Yes, mum.
> Mother: You really disappoint me. Your results are getting worse.
> David: But but but....I will only get my report card tomorrow ???
> Mother: I know that, but I'm going Hong Kong tomorrow so I'm scolding you now.
> Father: Why did you fail your Mathematics Test?
> Son: On Monday, teacher said 3 + 5 = 8
> Father: So?
> Son: On Tuesday, she said 4 + 4 = 8.
> On Wednesday, she said 6 + 2 = 8.
> If she can't make up her mind, how I know the right answer one ???
> Girl: Do you love me?
> Boy: Yes Dear.
> Girl: Would you die for me?
> Boy: No la, mine is undying love only! !!!
> Man: How old is your father?
> Boy: Same as me la.
> Man: How can that be?
> Boy: He only became a father when I born lo !!!
> Teacher: Simon, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as
> your brother's. Did you copy his?
> Simon: No la, teacher. It's the same dog!
> Father: Your teacher says she finds it impossible to teach you anything!
> Son: That's why I tell you she's no good!
> Teacher: Where were you born?
> Student: Singapore , Sir.
> Teacher: Which part?
> Student: All of me ma....


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